Codemotion Rome 2019 Tech Conference Fri, 29 Mar 2019 16:32:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 2000+ thank you! Fri, 29 Mar 2019 16:31:16 +0000 After a few days, we can definitely say that Codemotion Rome is gone, and has been a huge success! What a great atmosphere!

That’s why we would like to thank you all for joining it, for supporting us and, above all, sharing positive energy. We were more than 2000 attendees!

Now, check out the galleries from the event, just to live it again through these cool pictures:

1) Album 1 …

After a few days, we can definitely say that Codemotion Rome is gone, and has been a huge success! What a great atmosphere!

That’s why we would like to thank you all for joining it, for supporting us and, above all, sharing positive energy. We were more than 2000 attendees!

Now, check out the galleries from the event, just to live it again through these cool pictures:

1) Album 1 – Opening

2) Album 2 – Announcement

3) Album 3 – Afternoon

See you very soon!

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Codemotion Rank Regolamento (durante Codemotion Rome 2019) Thu, 21 Mar 2019 08:33:00 +0000 Regulations

1. PROMOTER PARTY The promoter of the initiative is Codemotion srl, with registered office in via Marsala 29H, 00185 Roma, tax code and VAT number 12392791005 (the “Promoter”).

2. TYPE AND OBJECTIVE OF THE INITIATIVE “Codemotion Rank” is the initiative promoted by Codemotion which groups from 1 to 4 online programming challenges , aimed at rewarding the skills and merit of the best …

Codemotion Rank (during Codemotion Rome 2019)


The promoter of the initiative is Codemotion srl, with registered office in via Marsala 29H, 00185 Roma,
tax code and VAT number 12392791005 (the “Promoter”).

“Codemotion Rank” is the initiative promoted by Codemotion which groups from 1 to 4
online programming challenges , aimed at rewarding the skills and merit of the best
working minds , both professionally and at amateur level, in the context of
computer programming (the “Coding challenges”).

Participation in the Coding challenges is free and is addressed to all natural persons who,
at the date of registration, have already completed 18 (eighteen) years (hereinafter the “Participants” or
individually the “Participant” ).
To participate in Coding challenges, the ability to program codes at a
professional or amateur level is required .

The “Codemotion Rank” will be active during the days of the Codemotion Rome 2019 event,
ie Friday 22 March from 11.30 to 17.00 and Saturday 23 March from 11.30 to 16.00 at
the Faculty of Engineering Rome 3 (Via Vito Volterra, 62) – Room N6.
For the conduct of the Coding challenges the website (hereinafter
“HackerRank”) will be used .
For any technical needs, Codemotion reserves the right to change days, times and
venue of the event, as well as to cancel it, notifying Participants. Participants
can choose the Coding challenges to participate in through the links:

below (the Site).

Participation in the Coding challenges is personal and free and is formalized with registration.
To register for the Coding challenges, each Participant must fill in
the appropriate online form in his own name , providing the data requested therein. To participate in the initiative it is necessary
for each Participant to accept these Rules and issue consent to the processing
of personal data.
Each Participant guarantees that the personal information provided upon registration and
subsequently is true and correct.
The Promoter reserves the right to exclude from Codemotion Rank, at each
stage, all the subjects who have entered during registration, or subsequently communicated,
personal and personal information not true.

The themes of the 4 Coding challenges will be: Python, Java, Android, Javascript.
Each Coding challenge has a duration of 15 minutes during which the Participant will have to
solve sets of problems using the programming language chosen from all those
indicated on the page
Each Participant may perform each Coding Challenge only once.

The Participants’ actions will be automatically evaluated by HackerRank, which will assign a
score to each Participant based on the number of tests that the product code will
successfully pass .
The detailed functioning of the scoring system can be found at:
In the event of a tie between multiple candidates, priority will be given to the Participant who has completed
the set of problems in less time.
The winner of each Coding Challenge will be announced on Saturday 23 March at 17:00.
The winner of each Coding Challenge (hereinafter the “Winner” or “Winners”) will be
decreed Saturday, March 23 at 16:30 in Room N6 and will receive a prize worth
€ 250.00 (two hundred and fifty / 00) in Amazon vouchers. The prize will be paid via e-mail to
the registration address within 60 days (sixty) from the awarding date.
The Codemotion Rank could be sponsored or supported by third-party companies (hereinafter
“Sponsor Companies”) that could provide additional prizes to the benefit of the Participants.
Participants who are the best for each Coding Challenge at the end of each
event day (hereinafter “Partial Winners”) will receive additional prizes from the Sponsor Companies.
The partial winners will be decreed and awarded at 5.00 pm on Friday 22 March and at the hours
16.00 on Saturday 23 March in Room N6.

Qualora uno o più Vincitori parziali di ciascuna Coding challenge non si presentasse per
ritirare il premio, l’Azienda Sponsor assegnerà il premio al secondo classificato e così via fino
al quinto.

Ciascun Partecipante dichiara espressamente che ogni stringa di codice programmato
nell’ambito della Codemotion Rank è originale e non viola in alcun modo, in tutto o in parte, i
diritti di proprietà intellettuale di terzi: a tal fine ciascun Partecipante si impegna a manlevare
sin d’ora il Soggetto Promotore da ogni e qualsivoglia responsabilità, passività, richiesta di
risarcimento dei danni e/o indennizzo che dovesse essere avanzata da terze parti al riguardo.
Ciascun Partecipante mantiene il diritto di paternità dell’opera intellettuale inerente ai codici
informatici sviluppati nell’ambito della Codemotion Rank. Resta inteso che il diritto di
sfruttamento e di utilizzo, per qualsiasi scopo, dei codici informatici sviluppati sarà trasferito al
Promotore, a fronte del premio da quest’ultimo corrisposto ai Partecipanti a titolo di compenso
per la loro opera.
Il Promotore non si assume alcuna responsabilità in caso di utilizzo e/o abuso dei codici
informatici prodotti dai Partecipanti o di sfruttamento degli stessi da parte di chiunque ne sia
venuto a conoscenza.
Pertanto, i Partecipanti rinunciano a qualsiasi richiesta di risarcimento danni e/o indennizzo
nei confronti del Promotore a qualsiasi titolo, per qualsiasi ragione e/o causa.
Il Partecipante prende, quindi, atto che l’eventuale comunicazione, divulgazione e/o
pubblicazione delle proprie opere, o parte di esse, nell’ambito dell’evento e/o tramite mezzi e
supporti di comunicazione eventualmente utilizzati per la promozione dell’evento medesimo
(anche dopo il suo svolgimento), comporterà la visibilità a tutti i Partecipanti dell’evento e/o
alla community destinataria delle azioni di comunicazione.

L’iscrizione e la partecipazione alla Codemotion Rank comporta l’adesione e la completa
accettazione, senza riserve, del presente Regolamento da parte dei Partecipanti.
Qualora il Soggetto Promotore riscontri una violazione delle norme da parte di un
Partecipante, avrà la facoltà di disporne la immediata esclusione dall’evento.
I Partecipanti che, secondo giudizio insindacabile del Soggetto Promotore risultino vincitori
con mezzi e strumenti in grado di eludere le modalità di partecipazione e di svolgimento della
competizione, verranno esclusi dalla Codemotion Rank e non potranno risultare assegnatari
del premio.
Ogni Partecipante è responsabile, in via esclusiva, della propria attività di programmazione,
pertanto nessuna responsabilità sarà attribuibile, da parte di soggetti terzi, al Soggetto
Promotore, relativamente a tale attività. Il Partecipante si impegna a manlevare e tenere
indenne il Soggetto Promotore da qualsiasi danno, pregiudizio, perdita, costo, spesa (anche
legale), sanzione nel quale gli stessi dovesse incorrere per effetto della domanda o dell’azione
di un terzo basata sulla violazione da parte del Partecipante di una qualsiasi delle condizioni
del presente Regolamento o su sua condotta negligente o dolosa.

Prima di assegnare i premi, il Soggetto Promotore si riserva di effettuare tutte le verifiche
necessarie per accertare il regolare andamento dell’iniziativa e, ivi compresa la verifica dell’età
superiore ai 18 (diciotto) anni.
Il Soggetto Promotore non si assume alcuna responsabilità per problemi di accesso,
impedimento, disfunzione o difficoltà riguardante gli strumenti tecnici, la linea telefonica, i cavi,
l’elettronica, il software e l’hardware, la trasmissione e la connessione, il collegamento Internet
che possa impedire ad un Partecipante l’accesso al sito e dunque la partecipazione.
Il Soggetto Promotore non sarà ritenuto responsabile per la mancata ricevuta o per la ricevuta
incompleta dell’iscrizione, per qualsivoglia ragione.
Il Soggetto Promotore non assume alcuna responsabilità per le ipotesi di mancato recapito di
e-mail ad esso non imputabili, quali, a titolo meramente esemplificativo, qualora l’indirizzo
indicato in fase di registrazione risultasse errato, incompleto o disattivato.
Ciascun Partecipante è responsabile, in via esclusiva, per l’attrezzatura e gli effetti personali
portati alla Codemotion Rank. Il Soggetto Promotore non può essere ritenuto responsabile in
caso di furto, perdita, danneggiamento all’attrezzatura e/o agli effetti personali di un
In caso di cancellazione dell’evento per qualsiasi motivo, il Soggetto Promotore ne darà
tempestiva comunicazione al Partecipante.
Il Partecipante rinuncia, sin d’ora, a far valere qualsiasi diritto al risarcimento dei danni –
compresi costi ed eventuali spese di viaggio, alloggio etc. – connessi all’eventuale
cancellazione dell’evento, a prescindere dalle cause o dai motivi che l’hanno determinata.

I dati forniti dal Partecipante e raccolti da Codemotion, sin dal momento della richiesta di
iscrizione, saranno trattati secondo quanto previsto dal Regolamento UE 2016/679 e dal
Codice in materia di Protezione dei Dati Personali (D. Lgs. n. 196/2003) nonché in conformità
alle disposizioni contenute nell’Informativa Privacy.
I dati forniti dai Partecipanti potranno essere comunicati a terzi soggetti per le finalità descritte
L’informativa privacy è disponibile a questo indirizzo
Il presente regolamento è valido con effetto immediato e tutte le indicazioni contenute in esso
sono da considerarsi efficaci per tutta la durata prevista dal presente Regolamento e per
ciascuna fase della Codemotion Rank.
II presente Regolamento è disponibile sul Sito e può essere modificato in qualsiasi momento
dal Soggetto Promotore. In caso di conflitto tra il Regolamento ed eventuali successive
modifiche, queste ultime prevarranno. Il Regolamento modificato entrerà in vigore una volta
che sarà pubblicato sul Sito e si riterrà che ciascun Partecipante abbia accettato le modifiche

per il solo fatto della propria partecipazione alla Codemotion Rank, fatta salva la possibilità di
cancellare la propria iscrizione qualora non si condividano le modifiche inviando una mail

Codemotion Rank è una competizione esclusa dall’ambito applicativo della disciplina
in tema di manifestazioni a premio, ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’articolo 6, comma 1, lettera a),
del D.P.R. n. 430/2001, dovendosi considerare iniziativa che non richiede alcun preventivo
acquisto o pagamento da parte del Partecipante ed essendo rivolta a premiare, a titolo di
corrispettivo di prestazione d’opera e/o riconoscimento del merito personale, le abilità e le
capacità dei Partecipanti nella programmazione di codici informatici (da intendersi come opere
di natura scientifica), dei quali il Soggetto Promotore si riserva l’utilizzo esclusivo.

II presente Regolamento e l’intera Codemotion Rank sono soggetti alla legge italiana.
Tutte le controversie che dovessero insorgere in relazione al Regolamento, comprese quelle
inerenti alla sua validità, efficacia, interpretazione, esecuzione e risoluzione, saranno di
competenza esclusiva del Foro di Roma.
Qualora una disposizione del presente Regolamento non fosse valida ai sensi delle leggi,
delle norme o dei regolamenti di un particolare Paese, questa sarà applicata solo nei limiti

Eventuali reclami, comunicazioni o richieste di informazione dovranno essere inviate a mezzo
e-mail al seguente indirizzo

Codemotion Rank (during Codemotion Rome 2019)

Terms & Conditions

The promoter of the initiative is Codemotion srl, with registered office in Rome, via Marsala
19/H, taxpayer identification number and V.A.T. number 12392791005 (the “Promoter”).

“Codemotion Rank” is the initiative promoted by Codemotion that groups together from 1 to 4
programming challenges to be carried out online, aiming to reward the skills and merit of the
best operating minds, whether at a professional level or at an amateur level, in the field of
computer programming (the “Coding Challenges”).

Participation in the Coding Challenges is free of charge and is addressed to all individuals
who, at the registration date, are at least 18 (eighteen) years of age (hereinafter the
“Participants” or individually the “Participant”).
The ability to program codes at a professional or amateur level is required to take part in the

The Codemotion Rank is open to the attendees of Codemotion Rome 2019 on Friday, March
22 from 11:30 to 17:00 and Saturday, March 23 from 11:30 to 16:00 at the Faculty of
Engineering Rome 3 (Via Vito Volterra, 62) – Room N6.
The Coding Challenges will be held on the website (hereinafter referred
to as “HackerRank”).
For any further technical requirements, Codemotion will reserve the right to change dates,
hour and the place of the event, as well as to cancel it, giving notice of it to the Participants.
Participants can choose the Coding challenges to participate in through the links:

(hereinafter the “Website”).

The participation to the Coding challenge is individual, free and requires the registration.
Indeed, each Participant should fill out the online form with the information required.
Taking part to the Coding challenge requires that each Participant accept these Terms &
Conditions and gives the consent to the processing of personal data.
Each Participants shall ensure that the personal data given when registering are true and
The Promoter reserves the right to exclude from the Codemotion Rank, at any stage, all
subjects who have entered during the registration phase, or subsequently communicated, and
personal information that is not true.
The Coding challenges will be on Python, Java, Android, Javascript.
Each Coding challenge has a duration of 15 minutes during which the Participant will have to
solve sets of problems using the programming language chosen from all those indicated on
the page
Each Participant may only perform each Coding Challenge once.
The Participants’ work will be automatically evaluated by HackerRank, which will assign a
score to each Participant based on the number of tests that code they produced successfully
passes. The detailed mechanics of the scoring system can be found on
In case of a tie among multiple Participants, preference will be given to the Participant who
submitted his solution in the shortest time.
The winner of each Coding Challenge will be announced Saturday, March 23 at 17:00.

The winner of each Coding Challenge (hereinafter the “Winner” or “Winners”) will be
announced Saturday, March 23 at 4:30 p.m. in Room N6 and will receive a prize of €250.00
(two hundred and fifty) in Amazon Vouchers. The prize will be delivered within 60 days (sixty)
from the date of awarding by the email address provided at the registration.
The Codemotion Rank may be sponsored or supported by third-party companies (hereinafter
“Sponsor Companies”) which may provide additional prizes for the benefit of Participants.
Participants who are the best for each Coding Challenge at the end of each day of the event
(hereinafter “Partial Winners”) will receive additional prizes from the sponsoring companies.
Partial winners will be announced and awarded at 5:00 p.m. on Friday 22 March and at 4:00
p.m. on Saturday 23 March in Room N6.

If one or more Partial winners of each Coding Challenge do not show up to collect the prize,
the Sponsor Company will award the prize to the second one in the rank and so on until the

Each Participant expressly declares that each string of code written as part of the Competition
is original and does not in any way infringe, in whole or in part, upon the intellectual property
rights of third parties: for such purpose, each Participant undertakes to hold the Promoter
harmless from any and all liability, loss, claim for damages, and/or compensation as may be
brought by third parties in such regard.
Each Participant maintains the right to the authorship of the intellectual property work
concerning the IT codes developed as part of the Competition. It is understood that the right
of exploitation and use, for any purpose, of the IT codes developed will be transferred to the
Promoter, against the prize paid out by the latter to the relevant Participants as remuneration
for their work.
The Promoter will assume no liability in case of use and/or abuse of the IT codes produced by
the Participants or of any exploitation of the same by anyone who may have become aware
of such codes.
Therefore, the Participants hereby waive any claims for damages and/or indemnification
against the Promoter in any capacity, for any reason and/or cause.
The Participant has to take note of the fact that any further communication, disclosure and/or
publication of his own works, or a part of them, transmitted within the event and/or by means
of communication supports used to promote the same event (even after it has taken place),
will lead to visibility of all Participants of the event and/or the community of communication

Registration with and participation in the Codemotion Rank implies the Participants’ adhesion
to, and complete acceptance of, this Regulation without reservations.
If the Promoter finds that the law in question has been violates by a Participant, he will have
the right to exclude the Participant from the event immediately.
Any Participants who may, according to the unquestionable judgment of the Promoter, have
taken part herein in violation of the provisions of this Regulation or may have become the
winners by means and tools capable of circumventing the procedures for participation and
conduct of the initiative, will be excluded from the Codemotion Rank and will not be awarded.
Each Participant will be solely liable for his/her own programming activity. Therefore, no
liabilities will be attributable, by third parties, to the Promoter, in relation to such activity. The
Participant commits itself to keep the Promoter undamaged from any injury, prejudice, loss,
cost, spending (legal expenses), penalty in which he would incur due to: the demand or action
of third parts that will lead himself to breach these Terms & Conditions or due to his negligent
and made deliberately behaviour.

Before awarding the prizes, the Promoter reserves the right to perform all the necessary
checks to ascertain the appropriate progress of the competition, including verification of the
Participants being over 18 (eighteen) years of age.
The Promoter will assume no responsibility for problems of access, impediments, malfunctions
or difficulties concerning technical tools, telephone line, cables, electronics, software and
hardware, transmission and connection, an Internet connection that may prevent a Participant
from accessing the site and therefore participating.
The Promoter will not be held responsible for failure to receive, or incomplete receipt of, the
registration, for any whatsoever reason.
The Promoter will assume no responsibility for cases of non-delivery of e-mails not attributable
to the same, including, but not limited to, cases in which the address stated during registration
is incorrect, incomplete or deactivated.
Each Participant will be solely responsible for the equipment and personal belongings they
bring with them.
The Promoter will not be held responsible for theft, loss, or damage to the Participants’
equipment and/or personal belongings.
In case of cancellation of the event for any reason, the Promoter will inform immediately the
Since now, the Participant waives to the right for damages, including costs and costs of travel,
accommodation etc. connected or any other payment connected to the possible cancellation
of the event, regardless of the causes or reasons that led to them.

Since the registration, the personal data given from the Participants and collected by
Codemotion will be processed with the EU Regulation 2016/679 and the Personal Data
Protection Code (Decree n. 196/2003), as well as in accordance with the provisions contained
in the Privacy Policy.
The Personal Data given by the Participants could be communicated to third parties for the
purposes described in the Policy.
The Privacy Policy is available at this url:

This Regulation will be valid with immediate effect and all the instructions contained herein,
except for clauses with retrospective effectiveness, will be considered effective for the entire
duration set out herein and for each Codemotion Rank stage.
This Regulation is available on the Website and may be changed by the Promoter at any time.
In the event of a conflict between the Regulation and any subsequent amendments, the latter
will prevail. The amended Regulation will come into force once it has been published on the

Website and it is understood that each Participant has accepted the amendments solely for
the fact of their participation in the Codemotion Rank, without prejudice to the possibility to
delete the subscription if there are changes that are not shared by the Participant, by sending
an email to the following address:

Codemotion Rank is a competition outside the scope of the rules governing prize events,
pursuant to and in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph a), of Presidential
Decree No. 430/2001, since it should be deemed as an initiative that does not require any
prior purchase or payment by Participants and is aimed at rewarding, as payment for
performance of work and/or recognition of personal merit, the skills and abilities of the
Participants in the programming of computer codes (to be understood as scientific work), of
which the Promoter will retain the exclusive use.

This Regulation and the entire Codemotion Rank are subject to Italian law.
Disputes that may arise in relation to the Regulation, including those concerning its validity,
effectiveness, interpretation, execution, and termination, will be under the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Court of Rome.
If you have a provision of these terms and conditions
, the provision will be applied within the permitted limits.

Any complaints, communications, or requests for information must be heard by e-mail to the
following address

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The Agenda is live! Mon, 04 Feb 2019 15:11:02 +0000 Let’s start with a widely-known statement: Content is King! That’s why in every Codemotion Conference, we pay a lot of attention to every single talk and keynote so that everyone can learn and improve. On March, 22-23 over 80 of the world most inspiring speakers will share their insights and know-how on technology and the latest trends, and we finally unveiled the official agenda for both days!

Over 15 topics…

Let’s start with a widely-known statement: Content is King! That’s why in every Codemotion Conference, we pay a lot of attention to every single talk and keynote so that everyone can learn and improve. On March, 22-23 over 80 of the world most inspiring speakers will share their insights and know-how on technology and the latest trends, and we finally unveiled the official agenda for both days!

Over 15 topics

Our team is working very hard to deliver the best speeches according to over 15 fields of interest: IoT, Diversity in Tech, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Front-End Dev are just a few! You can check the full list here. Furthermore, for more information on each and every speaker, check out all the profiles here.

3 Workshops

As a “tradition”, just before the Conference we organize some learning sessions focused on specific topics: this year we will hold 3 workshops,  that are

Regular Tickets are about to expire…

Willing to be part of it all? Remember that Regular Tickets will expire next Thursday, February 7.

If you wish to join us at the best price, you need to act quick…

Secure your seat now before the price goes up!

By the way, a Combo Special offer is now available: save up to 25% on workshop + Regular Ticket full price (€ 300), but only 20 tickets available for each workshop.

See you very soon!

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Call for the Best GameDev/VR Projects! Wed, 30 Jan 2019 11:59:06 +0000 Codemotion is looking for Game Devs and VR exhibitors to create an incredible showcase area at our upcoming conference!

new Game(), is the Codemotion’s brand dedicated to Game Development, that wants to keep contributing to the Game Development by delivering high-level content about every aspect of GameDev: not just coding, but also design, graphic, music and sfx, marketing and business.

Are you ready …

Are you involved in a Gamedev/VR project?

Codemotion is looking for Game Devs and VR exhibitors to create an incredible showcase area at our upcoming conference!

new Game(), is the Codemotion’s brand dedicated to Game Development, that wants to keep contributing to the Game Development by delivering high-level content about every aspect of GameDev: not just coding, but also design, graphic, music and sfx, marketing and business.

Are you ready to be part of it?  Apply now and get a free desk at Codemotion Rome 2019 on March 22-23

Codemotion brings together the whole game dev community

Are you a game developer? Would you like to present your latest project to our community of developers?

Codemotion Rome is the place for you!

Selected teams will get:

  • a free space to show their project at the conference
  • 3 free tickets for the team members to manage the booth
  • use of the Codemotion Exhibitors App, to collect useful info about attendees

But that’s not all.

The best team of our GameDev Showcase Area in Rome will be invited to attend one of the upcoming Indie Prize events.

Indie Prize will provide accommodation and the passes for the conference for two people (travel expenses excluded).


So, what are you waiting for? The call closes on March 5.


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Hire. Engage. Motivate. Repeat Tue, 29 Jan 2019 16:19:52 +0000 DATE: Friday, March 22


For the third year, Codemotion organizes a meeting dedicated to CTOs, CIOs and IT Managers. The CTO Meeting will be hosted during Codemotion Rome 2019.


Carlo D’Acunto , CTO at SOLDO

Marco Risi, CTO at Supermercato24

Elisabetta Rinaldi, Manager of Security for IBM Watson and Cloud Platform at IBM

Chairman: Marco Casario, CBO at Codemotion

5.00 pm

Networking aperitif


What is the …

DATE: Friday, March 22


For the third year, Codemotion organizes a meeting dedicated to CTOs, CIOs and IT Managers. The CTO Meeting will be hosted during Codemotion Rome 2019.


Carlo D’Acunto , CTO at SOLDO

Marco Risi, CTO at Supermercato24

Elisabetta Rinaldi, Manager of Security for IBM Watson and Cloud Platform at IBM

Chairman: Marco Casario, CBO at Codemotion

5.00 pm

Networking aperitif


What is the main objective of CTO Meeting? 

One of the CTO’s responsibilities is to manage efficiently the Team. Having a highly motivated team, with the right skills and that recognizes the CTO as its leader and mentor, are some of the criteria that enable the CTO  to reach the company’s goals efficiently.

There are many aspects that he/she has to manage: from recruiting developers in a very competitive market to sharing the values, vision and the culture of the company. Additionally, the CTO has not only to measure the Team’s performance and take action effectively but also to be able to keep talents engaged, especially when the tech context is not so innovative and challenging.

These and furthermore topics will be discussed during this CTO Meeting.

Attend this exclusive meeting between CTOs, bringing your own experience as well as the questions that you always wanted to ask other CTOs about.

Send your request

We kindly remind you that the CTO Meeting is a private invitation-only event.

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Win a free ticket for the Conference! Tue, 29 Jan 2019 14:21:48 +0000 Willing to attend our #CodemotionRome19 but also to challenge yourself a little bit? We have the solution for you: join #CodemotionRomeTop10!

What is CodemotionRomeTop10? 

CodemotionRomeTop10 is a coding challenge that offers you to win free tickets: all you have to do is solve it as fast as you can.

How to win?

Sign up for our challenge HERE and make sure you confirm your…]]>
Codemotion Rome Top 10 is here.

Willing to attend our #CodemotionRome19 but also to challenge yourself a little bit? We have the solution for you: join #CodemotionRomeTop10!

What is CodemotionRomeTop10? 

CodemotionRomeTop10 is a coding challenge that offers you to win free tickets: all you have to do is solve it as fast as you can.

How to win?

  • Sign up for our challenge HERE and make sure you confirm your participation by explicitly agreeing to GDPR form in the email we send to you after your initial registration.
  • Solve our coding challenge. Complete the challenge in the shortest amount of time with the highest score possible.
  • Be in the Top 10 amongst all the participants.


The challenge will end on February 10, 2019: winners will receive their discount links via email on February 11, 2019.

Do you accept the challenge?

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Agenda: more speakers unveiled! Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:42:48 +0000 Our Codemotion Rome Conference is approaching at pace, so we’re so excited to announce some more speakers who will rock the stage on March, 22-23 at Ingegneria Civile Roma Tre. Curious to know their names and background? Have a look below and secure your spot now if you are still without a ticket!

CLAUS IBSEN (Red Hat) is a Sr Principal Software Engineer who works primarily as the project lead…]]>
Our Codemotion Rome Conference is approaching at pace, so we’re so excited to announce some more speakers who will rock the stage on March, 22-23 at Ingegneria Civile Roma Tre. Curious to know their names and background? Have a look below and secure your spot now if you are still without a ticket!

  • CLAUS IBSEN (Red Hat) is a Sr Principal Software Engineer who works primarily as the project lead on Apache Camel. Read his full bio here.
  • SARA MICHELAZZO (ThoughWorks) is a Lead Consultant Experience Designer with a focus on global organizations and digital transformation projects. Get to know her here.
  • GIANLUCA VARISCO (Arduino) is a Chief Information Security Officer and he covers many fields like corporate security, information protection, and network security. More details here.
  • JAREK RATAJSKI (Engenius) is an Anarchitect with 15 years of experience developing JEE software for various companies and projects. More info here.

  • IVAN JOVANOVIC (NearForm) is a Sr Software Engineer with a focus on scalable JavaScript applications. Read more about him here.
  • HORACIO GONZALEZ (OVH) describes himself as Software Engineer by day, leader of the FinistJUG, GDG Finistère and BreizhBeans communities by night. His bio is here.
  • ANDREA COSENTINO (Red Hat) is a Sr Software Engineer but also member of Red Hat Fuse Engineering Team. Want to know more? Click here.

  • GIOVANNI MELLINI (Enav S.p.A.) is Head of Information, Systems and Network Security but also founder and president of Cyber Saiyan, a no-profit organization founded to spread cybersecurity and ethical hacking culture. Read his full bio here.
  • SANDER MAK (Luminis) is a Fellow at Luminis in The Netherlands, where he crafts modular and scalable software. Here you can discover more about him.
  • JOHN MUM (Wallaroo Labs) is Lead Software Engineer and he is currently working on an open source high-performance framework. More details here.
  • MIKE CHERNEV (ING) is a Software Engineer with a passion for software but also processes and people around them. Get to know him here.

  • ALBERTO MASSIDDA (Sourcesense) is a ML/DL Advocate with 10 years of experience from devops to machine learning, and more. Read it all here.
  • JAVIER LASA (Prisa Tecnología) is Head of Product Innovation Multimedia and Mobility with more than 15 years of experience. Get to know him here.
  • ALBERTO FORNI (Balsamiq) is Sr Software Developer and he works on the core and web team. More info here.
  • LUCA CIPRIANI (Arduino) is CIO and Cloud Business Manager, but also Linux user and DevOps advocate. His bio is available here.

  • NICOLA FERRARO (Red Hat) is Sr Software Engineer, Apache Camel PMC member, creator of Camel K, and more. Get to know him better here.
  • MATTEO ANTONY MISTRETTA (Inglorious Coderz) is a consultant and founder of Inglorious Coderz, and he currently develops web and mobile projects. His full bio is here.
  • GABRIELE PETRONELLA (Buildo) is Co-Founder and Software Engineer at Buildo, working in his company with Scala and JavaScript. Read more details here.

Now, secure your seat by getting your Regular Ticket.

See you there!

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First Speakers of Codemotion Rome 2019 announced! Tue, 10 Jul 2018 10:16:55 +0000 On January 7 we’ve closed the Call for Papers for Codemotion Rome and now we’re glad to announce that we’ve received over 800 submissions coming from all around the world!

And now? Currently, our Program Committee is evaluating the highest quality content that will be offered during our two-day Conference, but we have already the first six Speakers for Codemotion Rome 2019! Have a look below!

Meet the First Speakers …

On January 7 we’ve closed the Call for Papers for Codemotion Rome and now we’re glad to announce that we’ve received over 800 submissions coming from all around the world!

And now? Currently, our Program Committee is evaluating the highest quality content that will be offered during our two-day Conference, but we have already the first six Speakers for Codemotion Rome 2019! Have a look below!

Meet the First Speakers

We have been working really hard to choose the best possible speakers and keynoters focusing on the hottest tech topics, so there you go: on March, 22-23 you will meet among the others…


Venkat is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of, and an instructional professor at the University of Houston. Read his full bio here.


Alessandro (a.k.a. cirpo) is currently working in London as Engineering Manager at DAZN. He loves playing with programming languages and give back to the community. He has been a board member of the Italian PHP, Javascript User Group, and WEBdeBS. More details here.


Azzurra is a Managerial Engineer, Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and a tireless researcher especially in the field of AI, Machine Learning and Recommender System. More details here.


Danny, Sr UX Designer, has over ten years of experience as a UX Designer and developer of design systems and cross-platform design tools. Get to know him better here.


Omosola is a product/engineering advisor and senior software engineer focused on Front-end, Backend, Research, UX Design, and Tech Lead. Here you will find her bio.


Fabio is both a community leader and a frequent contributor in many Italian front-end usergroups (Angular, React, Javascript). He’s also a Google Developer Expert in Angular, as written here.

Did you enjoy this Sneak Peek? 

Remember that this is just the beginning…  More exciting news will soon arrive! Now you’d better secure your seat now to ensure you’ll catch these superstars speaking in Rome, this March.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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Opportunities for Companies Sat, 01 Jul 2017 10:07:23 +0000 Codemotion offers companies a unique opportunity to engage with a selected target of developers and IT professionals. Participate with one of our sponsorship packages and take advantage of the following benefits.

Raise product and services awareness The conference allows companies to promote their technological products and services to a vertical target of developers and IT professionals, encouraging their use. Recruiting of specialized professionals Codemotion also acts as an incredible recruiting…]]>
Codemotion offers companies a unique opportunity to engage with a selected target of developers and IT professionals. Participate with one of our sponsorship packages and take advantage of the following benefits.

  • Raise product and services awareness
    The conference allows companies to promote their technological products and services to a vertical target of developers and IT professionals, encouraging their use.
  • Recruiting of specialized professionals
    Codemotion also acts as an incredible recruiting opportunity for companies who are in search of specialized IT Professionals.
  • Network with professionals from your field
    Meet potential partners who can help you achieve new business goals.
  • Train your IT team
    Codemotion is a great occasion to train your IT team on the latest tech trends, with more than 10 tracks covering the hottest topics in the tech panorama.
  • Meet only the best technical experts
    Network with more than 120 internationally renown speakers from all over the world, gurus in their field

Contact us to learn more and receive your personalized offer.

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Why should you attend Codemotion? Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:29:03 +0000 Codemotion is the biggest tech conference for software developers in EMEA, with an international network of over 500.000 developers and more than 5.000 speakers.

Codemotion is open to all languages and technologies, with a focus on topics such as Frontend/ Backend, Security, DevOps/ Architecture, IoT/Maker, Cloud/Big Data, AI /Machine Learning, Design/UX, Game DEV and VR/AR.

This wide range of topics reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of this event.

Codemotion Rome has …

Codemotion is the biggest tech conference for software developers in EMEA, with an international network of over 500.000 developers and more than 5.000 speakers.

Codemotion is open to all languages and technologies, with a focus on topics such as Frontend/ Backend, Security, DevOps/ Architecture, IoT/Maker, Cloud/Big Data, AI /Machine Learning, Design/UX, Game DEV and VR/AR.

This wide range of topics reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of this event.

Codemotion Rome has drawn about 2.100 attendees in 2018, and we are expecting even more for 2019.

Most of them are experienced IT professionals and our audience generally breaks down into:
30% CTO and tech leads
45% Senior Developers
15% Junior Developers
10% Students

Since our conferences attract developers, IT professionals and tech lovers with different backgrounds and levels of experience, we provide our attendees with technical excellence, cutting-edge technologies as well as hands-on activities, best practices & case studies to allow them to grow into even better developers.

Our attendees are driven by a great passion for coding, a desire to share their knowledge and to make new personal and business connections to lead the innovation around them: in a nutshell, they are literally coding the future of us all, in the smartest, coolest, best environment, Codemotion.

Be part of it all: join us in Rome!

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Codemotion is an inclusive conference! Check our CoC! Wed, 28 Jun 2017 09:51:08 +0000 Codemotion is committed to hold a Conference that reflects the diversity of its community and provides a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance or gender. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect Codemotion’s attendees to be respectful when dealing with others.

Any harassment made to Codemotion’s attendees will not be tolerated. Harassment …

Codemotion is committed to hold a Conference that reflects the diversity of its community and provides a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance or gender. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect Codemotion’s attendees to be respectful when dealing with others.

Any harassment made to Codemotion’s attendees will not be tolerated. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance or gender, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording,
sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are
expected to comply immediately.

If a participant or exhibitor engages in harassing behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, ranging from a simple
warning to the expulsion from the conference. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other
concerns, please contact a member of the staff immediately. Our staff can be identified by the t-shirts.

Staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those
experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.

Emergency references:
Staff: +39.392.965.7212
Local law enforcement: 112
Local emergency and non-emergency medical (e.g., urgent care, day clinic): 112
Local taxi company – Radio Taxi: +39.02.6969

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CFP is open – Apply now! Mon, 13 Jul 2015 13:02:19 +0000 Codemotion Rome 2019 Call for Paper is extended! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share your story and your expertise at the best tech conference in town. Apply now!

Codemotion is expected to draw thousands of developers, IT professionals and tech lovers with diverse professional backgrounds. We are looking for talks which provide them with:

Showcase of technical excellence, latest research and cutting-edge technologies Hands-on knowledge that could be…]]>
Codemotion Rome 2019 Call for Paper is extended! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share your story and your expertise at the best tech conference in town. Apply now!

Codemotion is expected to draw thousands of developers, IT professionals and tech lovers with diverse professional backgrounds. We are looking for talks which provide them with:

  • Showcase of technical excellence, latest research and cutting-edge technologies
  • Hands-on knowledge that could be useful for their job
  • Best practices and case studies that can help them become better developers
  • Code! Remember to show some lines of code and some demos
  • Inspirational talks and visions on how technology is shaping the future
  • Talks with great contents, which do not hold a hidden marketing pitch

Get Involved!

Read our Call for Paper Guidelines for more information on Topics, Levels, Audience and selection process.

Grab your chance to be onboard. Extended Application deadline: January 7. Submit your proposal now!

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