First confirmed keynoter has been announced: Douglas Crockford!
Were you waiting for the first names at Codemotion Amsterdam19? We’re proud to announce you our first confirmed keynoter: the author of the “How JavaScript Works” and “JavaScript, The Good Parts” books: Douglas Crockford!
“In science if we encounter fact which contradicts our current understand of science, we should abandon our old beliefs. But change is painful”
He will deliver his keynote on Codemotion Amsterdam 2019 on 2-3 of April.
This is definitely our first gift to You for this Holidays!
The “Father of Json” is only the first of a series of word class speakers we will bring to Codemotion Amsterdam next spring: stay tuned: a new batch of them will be sent out in next few days!
Don’t miss the chance to save your seat at the best price: get your early bird ticket by clicking on the button below :)