Durable Functions 2.0

by Andrea Ceroni

Serverless English

Azure Durable Functions represented the last missing building block to code long running, stateful function orchestrations in a serverless environment. The Orchestrator function allow you to do several new things that differentiates it from an ordinary, stateless function. For example you can call and await other functions, save outputs, and then resume the local state that is never lost. Durable Functions 2.0 are even more powerful with many aspects borrowed from the Actor Model but also some important differences. Join me and start playing with Durable Functions!

Andrea Ceroni
Dev, Elfo

Senior Software developer in the R&D team @Elfo. I worked several years for advertising and cinema companies using Maya and Python. Currently I work mainly with C# with special interest in mobile applications. UWP and Xamarin Certified Developer. 3D, mountains and photography enthusiast! Married with Federica, we have a golden retriever, Mila.