Inclusive Design: Design for ONE, Design for ALL
An inclusive type of approach creates better solutions, because it aims to benefit all users, therefore also those who must cope with disabilities. Thinking in terms of accessibility throughout the entire process, enables the creation of solutions for mobile applications and websites that are actually evolved and not merely alternative. When designing for human diversity, we make possible a global kind of partecipation, with a higher impact on positivity exchange and emotional benefits than we would have when addressing just the disabilities.
Language: English
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Stefano Del Furia
Director of Digital Innovation - Campus DaVinci
Director of Digital Innovation @ Campus DaVinci (Umbertide - PG), one of the most innovative high school in Italy. Enthusiastic adopter of C# and .NET since the first versions in early 2000s. Software Architect and CTO @ STOA dealing with components and infrastructure's design for industrial automation's projects and business and production's management. Computer Science teacher / trainer and founder of EduDotNet.It a community devoted to the .NET Framework. Author of 5 books on C#, Database Design and SQL for Microsoft Press and on computer basics for RCS Education.