How to earn a black belt in GraphQL testing
GraphQL è l'alternativa a REST nella progettazione di Web API. Gli attuali framework di test sono pronti a questa rivoluzione? E’ qui che Karate ci viene in aiuto: un test framework open source, altamente espressivo, che permette di scrivere test in modo rapido e compatto, riducendo il codice anche più dell’80%. In questo talk esploreremo le features più accattivanti di Karate con esempi pratici, mettendolo a confronto con le soluzioni attualmente più diffuse sul mercato.
Language: Italian
Level: Intermediate
Angela Distratis
Software Engineer in Test I -
I work as a software engineer since 2009, starting from development and approaching the testing world in 2013. I'm currently working as QA engineer in on mobile APIs, mainly on Rest and GraphQL microservices. Passionate about technology, I'm in love with travels and theatre.

Luca Pelosi
Software Engineer in Test II -
Luca is a Software Engineer and technology enthusiast. He worked about 7 years as software developer for some consulting firms and in the meanwhile he gave birth to a couple of startups. Finally, 2 years ago, he landed at (Expedia Group company) as Sr Quality Assurance Engineer, where he's involved in opensource projects, automation and continuous improvement of code quality and processes.