Computer games – not as easy as it looks
Many people learn to code because they want to write a computer game. More often than not, they want to re-write their favourite game, but making it a little easier! Unfortunately the gap between a personal project, open source game, and professional offering is substantial, with the lack of polish obvious at every turn. In this talk, Steven Goodwin, a game developer of 20 years standing (and 3 books on the subject), dissects each discipline (art, music, writing, and code) to explain where polish should be added and why it’s so rare to see games as effective as they could be.
Language: English
Level: Advanced
Steven Goodwin
n/a - General-purpose geek
Steven Goodwin (London, England) has been involved in computing, science, and technology from an early age, building his first synthesizer while still in his teens. As a systems architect he's designed and built global systems for Unilever, Playfish, and Third Space Learning using a wide range of languages and technologies. He's also highly experienced on the small scale, with work on the iPhone, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi, as well as running teams of between 1 and 230 people.