25 Years of PHP
Programming languages are born in the market every now and then. Some of them disappear with no clear reasons, some of them are able to survive thanks to their adoption and to the ways they are updated. PHP is one of them with almost 25 years og history on its back. Let’s take a fun look at the highlights (and lowlights) of this long crazy trip.
Language: English
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Rasmus Lerdorf
Engineer - Etsy Inc.
Rasmus Lerdorf is known for having gotten the PHP project off the ground in 1995 and has contributed to a number of other open source projects over the years. He was an infrastructure architect at Yahoo! for more than 7 years and joined Etsy in 2012. He was born in Greenland, grew up in Denmark and Canada and has a Systems Design engineering degree from the University of Waterloo. You can follow @rasmus on Twitter.