1001 ways to write CSS today
2019. CSS. Is it simple? Is it hard? To BEM or not to BEM? CSS-in-JS? Sass or LESS? Bootstrap or Foundation? CSS Modules or styled-components? How should we write CSS today? Which is the quickest way? And the more confortable? CSS is often considered as a non-problem until the moment it brings out its best and it messes up our last friday before the holidays. Let's try to clarify about different ways to write our lovely stylesheets and figure out which is the best one that fits our needs.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Giacomo Zinetti
Frontend Engineer - Liferay
Hello, world! I am Giko, a developer from Como (Italy). I am passionate about performances and I want to contribute to creating a super fast and user-centric Internet. In October 2015 I have co-founded the Milano Frontend Meetup and in 2018 the Como and FrontEnd user group. I love to live our world not only through a monitor but also travelling, taking pictures, BBQing and eating, juggling, driving (especially my Ducati), snowboarding, playing board games and staying with friends. I am a fan of Lego and Star Wars. > “Forty-two,” said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.