Modern Identity Management (in the Era of Serverless and Microservices)
Identity Management (IdM) is an umbrella term for all of the core logic around identity. That means manage provisioning (assigning identities to user), account management (maintaining those identities), identity governance (assigning them to groups and roles and adjusting permissions as needed), authentication, authorization, identity federation (ensuring users can use the same identification data to access resources on related domains). A login is more than a Single Sign On, we can use Passwordless, Federated Identity (FB, GitHub), Multifactor Authentication, improving our users experience.
Language: English
Level: Beginner
Mercedes Wyss
CTO - Produactivity
Software engineer with more than seven years of experience in the backend, frontend and Android development using Java and Kotlin. Currently is a CTO at Produactivity, a startup based in Guatemala. She was previously organizing meetings in Guatemala Java Users Group from 2012 to 2016. Now she has two years an a half focusing on increasing women’s participation in STEAM by running a JDuchess Chapter in Guatemala and is the leader of a Google community (Devs+502). She is an Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador and an Auth0 Ambassador, she also has a Duke’s Choice Award in Educational Outreach.