Emerging Tech Radar trends from Codemotion Community
BYOR (Build your own radar) with Italian communities represent the passion for the technology of ThoughtWorks that meets the Tech Communities from Codemotion. This is the result of a long journey with different communities across our country, with the purpose to check which technologies are used by developers in their working life on a daily basis. Would you like to know if your technologies are the hottest ones in the market? All you have to do is join us.
Language: English
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Sara Michelazzo
Experience Designer & Product Strategist - ThoughtWorks Italia S.r.l.
Sara works in ThoughtWorks as Product Strategist and Design Lead for the Global Change Program "Empowering TWers Growth" part of the Talent and Capability function. Our goal is to empower ThoughtWorkers to own their growth journey, make their mark and intentionally and continuously grow each other. Sara drives change using design thinking, co-design and experimentation methodologies.

Alessandro Confetti
Tech Principal - ThoughtWorks
Alessandro is a curious technologist, polyglot software developer, agile/lean/teal advocate and passionate team builder, with a strong experience in software life-cycle management. Currently, he is Tech Principal at ThoughtWorks Italia and Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano