Trigger questions about Machine Learning
Interested in a job in data science? Or the emergence of MLOps? What about ethics and reproducibility? This is your chance to learn more and leverage on the extensive industrial and academic expertise of three Italian experts in Machine learning: Paolo Testa (Senior Data Scientist @ Nexi), Alberto Massidda (ML Advocate @ Sourcesense), and Azzurra Ragone (Branch Manager @ BurdaForward Italia) are inviting you to "trigger" the discussion on all things connected to Machine learning. The panel is moderated by our program committee member Simone Scardapane (Assistant Professor @ Sapienza).
Language: English
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Simone Scardapane
Post-doc fellow - University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Simone Scardapane is a post-doc fellow at Sapienza University (Rome) and an honorary fellow at the University of Stirling (UK). His research is focused on machine learning, with an emphasis on deep learning, distributed environments, and applications in the audio field. Before the PhD, he obtained a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2009, and a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in 2011. He is an active member of several organizations, including the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, the International Neural Networks Society, and the AI*IA.

Alberto Massidda
End-to-end Data Scientist - Sourcesense
Computer engineer with 11 years of experience, specialized in mission critical, high traffic, high available Linux architectures and infrastructures (before the cloud was out), with a relevant experience in development and management of web services. He has served as Infrastructure Lead in 4 companies (Translated, N26, Wanderio, Klar) and participated in 2 EU multimillion funded NLP research projects (MateCAT, ModernMT). Alberto has a variegated bundle of experience, that ranges from devops to machine learning, from the corporate banking to the mutable startup world.

Azzurra Ragone
Innovation and transformation lead - EY
I love to transform enterprises and bring them to the future. Currently, I am Innovation and Transformation lead for EY Business Solution. I worked for Google as a Program Manager in the Developer Relations team, for BurdaForward as Branch Manager and for Exprivia S.p.A as a Project Manager and BI consultant for various Italian companies (Generali, Eni, Telecom). Former research fellow in AI and Machine Learning for many years, I worked as a researcher manager for several years at the Polytechnic of Bari, the University of Trento, the University of Michigan and the University of Milan Bicocca

Paolo Testa
Senior Data Scientist - Nexi
I started as Biostatistician at Harvard School of Public Health, learning to apply advanced statistical model in epidemiology and pharmaceutical fields. Then, attracted by the growing world of DS and ML, I started as a data scientist first in digital marketing and then in automotive field, joining Brembo S.p.A. There, I've developed Stats, ML and DL solutions, leveraging product development, helping to spread data driven culture into the company. Currently, I’m Senior Data Scientist in Nexi S.p.A., leader of digital payments in Italy. I’m part of organization of Data Science Milan Meetup.