RxJS Tips & Tricks for Angular Developer


In questo meetup diversi moderatori ed esperti della community Angular Developer Italiani si alterneranno sul palco per proporre e descrivere diversi trick e casi d'uso da utilizzare in applicazioni Angular sfruttando il paradigma funzionale reattivo e la libreria RxJS: reactive forms, state managers come NGRX, comunicazione con il server e utilizzo dei Subject sono solo alcuni degli argomenti trattati. Durante il meetup premieremo, inoltre, i partecipanti del contest che hanno ottenuto il punteggio piĆ¹ alto con video corsi, licenze Jetbrains, Magliette

Language: Italian

Level: Intermediate

Fabio Biondi

Instructor - Google Developer Expert & Microsoft MVP

Fabio is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies / Angular and Microsoft MVP with more than 15 years of experience in developing enterprise level applications, interactive experiences and UI components in several languages and web technologies. He's both a community leader and a frequent contributor in many Italian front-end usergroups (Angular, React, Javascript). Currently, he holds meetups, events and training courses all over Italy. Love: Angular, React, Redux, NGRX, RxJS, JS, TS

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Michele Stieven

Freelance Front-end consultant - -

I am a freelance Web Developer and Consultant, born in Bassano del Grappa, Italy. I'm constantly looking for technologies to help me build complex, fast and reactive applications. My best friends in this job are Angular, RxJS, Redux and TypeScript. I love helping others and explaining difficult concepts in a simple and understandable way, and for that, I'm part of various italian communities, full of people with my same interests.

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Antonio Gallo

Solution Architect - Freelance

I started coding at 9 with a VIC-20 and since then I tried to learn every possible language. I'm a Linux fan since 1996, I developed my own "Bad Penguin" custom distribution too. When the Internet Era started, I absolutely loved to develop community tools long before Facebook existed, notably ICIcampus.it. In the latest years i've focused on Javascript for web and mobile development: Cordova, Ionic, Stencil, Angular, React (Native), PWA & C. I'm currently a "100% remote" freelancer and a digital nomad, I love to be a trainer and speaker to meet new enthusiast people like me.

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Emanuele Bartolesi

Full Stack Web Developer - Experts Inside

I am a full stack web developer and I am passionate about Microsoft Azure and fronte-end web technologies. I share the love for technologies via my blog at http://www.emanuelebartolesi.com and at community events and conferences. I am a proud Visual Studio and Development Technologies Microsoft MVP since 2014. Check out my personal website at http://about.emanuelebartolesi.com and feel free to contact me at emanueleb@outlook.com

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