Live Coding: state managers in Angular applications with Redux & NGRX
Una sessione di live coding tramite la quale verrà affrontata l’integrazione di NGRX in applicazioni Angular (8) focalizzandoci sulla gestione dello stato applicativo. Dopo una breve panoramica sull’organizzazione di progetti enterprise, sul pattern Redux e sui vantaggi di utilizzare Typescript in applicazioni enterprise, si analizzeranno tutti i costrutti necessari per implementare correttamente questo state manager: reducer e meta-reducer, utilizzo di middleware (effects), azioni, selettori, entity, redux router.
Language: Italian
Level: Advanced
Fabio Biondi
Instructor - Google Developer Expert & Microsoft MVP
Fabio is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies / Angular and Microsoft MVP with more than 15 years of experience in developing enterprise level applications, interactive experiences and UI components in several languages and web technologies. He's both a community leader and a frequent contributor in many Italian front-end usergroups (Angular, React, Javascript). Currently, he holds meetups, events and training courses all over Italy. Love: Angular, React, Redux, NGRX, RxJS, JS, TS