Building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka


Apache Kafka is the de facto standard streaming data processing platform, being widely deployed as a messaging system, a robust data integration framework (Kafka Connect) and stream processing API (Kafka Streams). But there's more: "Look ma! No java!" Filtering one stream of data into another, creating derived columns - even joining two topics together - it's all possible with KSQL. Come to this talk for a thorough overview of KSQL. There'll be plenty of live coding on streaming data to illustrate clearly KSQL's awesomeness!

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Ugo Landini

Systems Engineer - Confluent

Ugo Landini helps companies to build the best enterprise-class streaming data platform using Apache Kafka, enabling realtime decision-making at scale. He is an avid Open Source supporter and is strongly convinced that sharing knowledge is not only a must but also an opportunity of personal growth: co-founder of the JUG Roma & Codemotion, he is an Apache committer, has developed lots of different things in a plethora of different languages and is still convinced he can play a decent football.

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