Community Panel: Comunidades de España, uníos!
Panel de comunidades que tratará diversas temáticas y experiencias de las comunidades en España. Si perteneces a una comunidad, y quieres participar, acércate y comparte tus vivencias, tus dudas existenciales, tus miedos. Hablaremos sobre: Mentorizar nuevos miembros, Barreras de entrada a las comunidades, Código de Conducta, Diversidad, Buenas y malas prácticas, y aprender a delegar. Es un panel abierto a todo el público que asista a Codemotion. Tendremos bebidas y cervezas al terminar la sesión.
Language: Spanish
Level: Non technical / For everyone
Francisco Picolini
Content and Community Manager - Codemotion
Madrilenian with Argentinian accent. Pad Thai fanatic. Francisco has been involved in Open Source communities since 2003, helped on localization, marketing and content (yes, podcasts included). He sees himself as an early adopter, but only with betas. Accidentally started organizing events and managed Mozilla Devroom at FOSDEM for 3 years. Nowadays he works with technical communities in Spain.
Alba Roza
Developer Relations & Content Manager - Codemotion
I'm a Developer Relations working in Tech Communication and Marketing since 2011, so I'm familiar with software and Agile conferences. Since 2014 I've attended to more than a hundred where I've also developed my journalist and PR skills creating conversations and making interviews. I've been mentor for programs like Google Launchpad Startup or TechSHEssions, been involved in the organization of conferences like CAS 2017 (+1k attendees), helped at several others such as Lambda World, the biggest functional programming conference in Southern Europe.