Machine Learning aplicado a la Ciberseguridad


En esta charla se explicarán los conceptos sobre el machine learning aplicados a la ciberseguridad a través de diferentes casos de uso y ejemplos. Además, se expilicarán los principiales algoritmos que podemos utilizar para comenzar a desarrollar sistemas de seguridad utilizando distintas técnicas como regresión, árboles de decision y clustering. Finalmente se mostrará un caso de estudio aplicado a la detección de ataques en aplicaciones web.

Language: Spanish

Level: Intermediate

Jose Manuel Ortega Candel

Software Engineer & Security researcher - capgemini

José Manuel Ortega is a Software Engineer with focus on new technologies, open source, security and testing. His career target from the beginning has been to specialize in Python and security testing projects. In recent years has developed interest in security and machine learning development, especially with python. Conferences and talks related with python,security and docker are available in my personal site I am author of the book "Mastering python networking and security" published with packtpub editorial.

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