¿Quieres que use tu app?


¿Imaginas tener a una persona con sordoceguera programando en tu equipo de desarrollo? Podrás conocer a Sandra de primera mano, quien nos va a contar su historia de inclusión en el gigante Microsoft. Para crear un entorno inclusivo, no solo es necesario que el entorno laboral esté adaptado, sino que las herramientas con las que va a trabajar la persona en su día a día sean accesibles. Tener en cuenta la accesibilidad desde el principio es un requisito imprescindible para lograr una base sólida y que tu producto llegue a todo el mundo.

Language: Spanish

Level: Non technical / For everyone

Marco D'angelo

Developer Relationship - Microsoft

Marco is helping Microsoft engaging with Developers community across Europe and working with the teams responsible to create and share technical content related mainly to Azure and Visual Studio Code.

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Ane Iturzaeta

Premier Field Engineer - Microsoft

Ane joined Microsoft as a Premier Field Engineer in September 2018. Because of her interest in cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence, she has specialized in AI services in Azure. She gives guidance and support to customers who are interested in taking advantage of AI capabilities like Cognitive Services, Bots, Machine Learning and IoT. She studied Software Engineering and Business Administration and Management in Universidad de Deusto, in San Sebastian (Spain), graduating in June 2018.

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