MongoDB Stitch, The Serverless Platform On Steroids!


MongoDB Stitch is a serverless platform which accelerates application development with simple, secure access to data and services from the client – getting your apps to market faster while reducing operational costs and effort. Stitch Triggers is a service running on MongoDB Stitch, letting you execute custom logic in response to database changes, as they happen. This talk will cover all the MongoDB Stitch features - Functions, Query Anywhere, Triggers, Stitch Mobile Sync - in a live demo.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Maxime Beugnet

Developer Advocate EMEA - MongoDB

Maxime has been working with MongoDB for the past 5 years and in the IT industry for 8 years. He is a MongoDB and Java trainer, with DEV and DBA MongoDB certifications. Maxime joined MongoDB as a Developer Advocate EMEA a year ago to share his experience with the community. He loves clean code, scuba diving, code challenges and vikings!

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