Google Assistant's Smart Home API in practice


So you've put together a couple of IoT projects, and it'd be pretty cool if you were able to control them with your voice, right? In this deep dive we'll go through all the pieces you'll need to integrate your nifty gadgets with the Google Assistant. We'll showcase a neat demo project: a cute Lego house controlled with your voice or via the Google Home app. We'll start with a light intro to modern IoT prototyping, a simple component architecture for the system, and an we'll take an in-depth look at the Smart Home API integration from Actions on Google

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Orestes Carracedo

Co-founder, Software Engineer - Lighthorse Consulting

Full-Stack Developer. Co-funder Lighthorse, Navigo. Consultant, speaker, mentor and community lead. Co-organiser GDG Vigo and the Community Cluster.

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