Business driven VR game design: the case of Yon Blitz


Nowadays publishing a VR videogame on online stores, aiming to turn profitable, is a major challenge. Differently, the high hardware barrier posed by VR until now has created more possibilities on "LBE" sector (Location Based Entertainment), where hardware is provided and games are enjoyed on the spot. In this talk we'll dive into the challenges and differences in designing a VR game aimed to the general public and for "public locations" compared to online ones, analyzing Yon Blitz (a VR multiplayer shooter arena which made 800+ players in Milan Games Week 2018) and other comparable cases.

Language: English

Level: Beginner

Fabio Mosca

CTO - AnotheReality

Co-Founder and CTO at AnotheReality, Fabio Mosca is a Virtual Reality designer, videogame programmer and engineer. With a Bachelor’s Degree in CS engineering, Fabio focused his studies on videogame programming and interactive media, leading to his first VR experiences in 2014. After years of experiments, research and works in VR, he released Yon Paradox (2016), a VR videogame about time paradoxes, and co-founded AnotheReality, focusing on VR location based entertainment and training simulators for Industry 4.0. Also founder of the VR Milan Meetup, better known as "AperitiVR".

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