Fuzz-testing: A hacker's approach to making your code more secure


Increased complexity makes it very hard and time-consuming to keep your software bug-free and secure. We introduce fuzz-testing as a method for automatically and continuously discovering vulnerabilities hidden in your code. The talk will explain how fuzzing works and how to integrate fuzz-testing into your Software Development Life Cycle to increase your code’s security.

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Pascal Zenker

Pentester - Self-employed

Pascal Zenker researched kernel- and embedded device security at the Berlin-based hacking collective, Security Research Labs. He is currently completing his Masters in Computer Science at TU Berlin and spends his free time building and breaking software and working as bug bounty hunter.

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Vincent Ulitzsch

Security Researcher - Security Research Labs

Vincent Ulitzsch is a researcher at Security Research Labs, a Berlin based hacking collective. His work focuses on blockchain security and vulnerability detection via fuzzing. He has presented on the subject at Blackhat USA. He continues to uncover security vulnerabilities in all types of software.

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