The Dutch Java User Group and the future of the Java ecosystem Open Space
The Dutch Java User Group has been around for over 15 years and has about 5000 members. We're constantly evolving as a JUG, because the Java ecosystem is continuously evolving. I like to share how we assess new technologies and share knowledge. During this session I would also like to hear from the participants what they think about the contemporary profession of a Java developer. Topics like: Online learning, how to avoid tunnel vision, which IDE's, Kotlin, Scala,, Serverless can be discussed. Let's have some fun and learn from each other.
Language: English
Level: Intermediate
Roy Wasse
Director - OpenValue
Active in the Java scene for more then a decade. JUG leader at the NLJUG. Love investigating new technology and think about how it can help us build software better & faster. Director at OpenValue, a specialized Java consultancy firm. Active as a trainer and speaker on blockchain technology/