LAB Lightning Network, how to create your chain with a direct channel to Bitcoin


Dimostrazione live su come creare dei server che generano la propria chain collegata attraverso canali alla blockchain principale di BitCoin. Lavoreremo con micro-servizi Docker che permettono altissima flessibilità e bassi consumi. Gli script e le applicazioni per sfruttare al meglio questa tecnologia. Come effettuare spese tramite portafogli fuori catena. Simuleremo una transazione fuori catena agganciata alla blockchain testnet.

Language: Italian

Level: Advanced

Paolo Moro

CEO - srl

CEO of a company that has been working in innovative technologies for over 15 years. He create digital solutions tailored to companies, he develop software in cloud environments, in the IoT field and creating Maker-style prototypes. Through digital laboratories, above all with the experience of Lab Network srl, it has created a network of people to create high added-value skills, helping companies to engage technology in production processes.

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