Rediscover the known Universe with NASA datasets


For many years humanity has been exploring the skies, dreaming of interstellar voyages and new planetary colonies. And you, do you want to go with us to discover the universe? It turns out that NASA has a great public dataset. One of then, the Kepler project dataset, is used by scientists to search for exoplanets, that is, planets outside our solar system. What if you could search for exoplanets by your own, using IT tools and a developer approach? In this talk we introduce you to the HelloExoWorld project that does just that. Join us, and help us to discover exoplanets!

Language: English

Level: Intermediate

Horacio Gonzalez

Developer Advocate - OVHCloud

Español perdido en Bretaña, programador, orador y sobre todo geek. Ingeniero de software y DevRel durante el día, líder de FinistDevs y organizador del DevFest du Bout du Monde por la noche, Horacio comenzó su andadura en el mundo de la programación en 1997 y nunca lo ha abandonado. Después de algunos años como líder de frontend @ warp10io como Cityzen Data, actualmente trabaja como Developer Advocate en OVHcloud. Es Google Developer Expert y orador frecuente en conferencias como Devoxx, Codemotion, DevFest Nantes o BreizhCamp.

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